春田学院的包容|春田学院-十大赌博信誉的平台Springfield College Logo

Inclusion at Springfield College

Elevate Inclusiveness.

在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站,十大赌博信誉的平台以开放的思想和开放的心态领导. We embrace inclusivity. 每个人都应该接受教育,培养自己最好的一面. 十大赌博信誉的平台的目标是培养和维持一个校园氛围, among other ideals, inclusive, student-centered, and safe. 

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站十大赌博信誉的平台提供领导的机会, live, learn, work, 跨越身份和差异的界限. 十大赌博信誉的平台致力于建设一个更强大的社区, recognizing that our students, faculty, staff, 校友们通过他们的独特性丰富了十大赌博信誉的平台, their experiences, and their perspectives. 

Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion

The Office of Diversity, Equity, 和包容旨在培养和维持一个包容的校园氛围, student-centered, pluralistic, and safe.

Disability and Accessibility Services

致力于在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站为残疾学生营造一个支持性和包容性的教育环境, 学业成功中心为学生提供教育和宣传资源, faculty, and staff.

Title IX

Consistent with Title IX, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站不会基于性别歧视任何人, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, 或者其他受法律保护的阶层, and employment and treatment in, its programs and activities.

Our Programs

十大赌博信誉的平台的目标不仅仅是在十大赌博信誉的平台的社区中有所作为, 而是要在全球范围内改善所有人的公平和正义.

Grant Hill speaks at Springfield College.
Signature Programs

十大赌博信誉的平台和包容部制作和支持项目,以提高十大赌博靠谱信誉网站社区的生活. Signature Programs support students, faculty, staff, 让更大的社区有工作的机会, live, 跨越身份和差异的界限.

Student Engagement

十大赌博信誉的平台和包容部提供特别活动, educational travel, and scholarship opportunities that support, celebrate, and help give voice to a diverse student body. 

Employee group discussion.
Employee Engagement

十大赌博信誉的平台和包容部提供活动, programming, 以及根据分歧进行讨论的机会, shared experiences, 以及十大赌博靠谱信誉网站员工的基本人性.

Community Engagement

十大赌博信誉的平台和包容部促进学院所有成员之间的多样性和包容性,并通过合作伙伴关系和活动将学院的资源联系和推广到十大赌博信誉的平台的邻居, programming, and various learning opportunities. 

Hatred Has No Place at Springfield College 

作为一个校园社区,十大赌博信誉的平台有毅力和勇气来结束仇恨. In fall 2020, a group of students, faculty, 员工们聚在一起讨论十大赌博信誉的平台作为一个社区如何变得更加欢迎和包容.

因为仇恨在这里没有立足之地,十大赌博信誉的平台选择发起一项名为“教育”的运动. End Hate.“十大赌博信誉的平台欢迎社区参与和参与,使十大赌博靠谱信誉网站成为一个让所有人都感到安全的地方, welcomed, and affirmed.

Anti-Oppression Resources


Springfield College is a participating institution 相信#YouAreWelcomeHere这一声明的传播. 十大赌博信誉的平台欢迎来自世界各地的国际学生,并确认十大赌博信誉的平台的机构拥抱多样性,并提供一个友好和安全的环境,致力于学生的发展.  


Springfield Campus - Morning drone
Land Acknowledgement

十大赌博信誉的平台承认十大赌博靠谱信誉网站坐落在被称为“阿加瓦”的土著阿尔冈基人的传统家园上.” The Agawam were closely related and diplomatically connected to the Quaboag to the East; the Podunk to the South; the Woronoco to the West; and the Nonotuck, Pocumtuck, and Sokoki to the North. 十大赌博信誉的平台铭记这些土著民族, 在这片土地上居住了十多年之后,000 years, 在17世纪到18世纪被英国殖民者取代,这些殖民者利用了当地人的慷慨并挑起了战争.  We acknowledge the surviving Native nations of what is now called “New England”: the Nipmuc and the Wampanoag to the East; the Mohegan and Pequot and Schaghticoke to the South; the Mohican to the West; and the Abenaki to the North. We affirm, honor, 尊重这些国家的主权,以及北美各地幸存下来的数百个其他美洲原住民国家的主权. 

Springfield College All-College Gender & Sexuality Alliance

The Springfield College All-College Gender & 性联盟(GSA)由学生和员工组成,他们致力于减少十大赌博靠谱信誉网站及其他地方的LGBTQ+人群所面临的不平等. This includes (but is not limited to) gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender, and gender nonconforming people. We have an email list, meet once every two to three weeks, generate campus programming, and engage in other activities. 欲了解更多信息,请联系David McMahon dmcmahon@springfield.edu or Charlene Elvers at celvers@springfield.edu.

Safe Zone

Safe Zone helps to create a more accepting, affirming, supportive, inclusive, 通过对教职员工的教育培训,为十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的LGBTQ个人提供平等的环境, staff members, and students. 课程旨在提高人们的意识, knowledge, empathy, and commitment to action regarding issues, concerns, and inequality related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站致力于重视和确认校园社区成员的性别认同和表达. Learn more about 性别代词及如何使用性别包容性语言.

To learn more, contact Elizabeth Morgan at emorgan2@springfield.edu.

All Gender Restroom Locations on Campus


  • Administration Building
    • First floor
  • Athletic Training/Exercise Science Facility
    • First floor
  • Alumni Relations House
    • First floor
  • Blake
    • Second Floor
  • Brennan Center
    • First Floor, near kitchen
  • 咨询中心(位于Towne健康中心)
    • First floor
  • Flynn Campus Union
    • First floor
  • Harold C. Smith Learning Commons
    • First, second, third, and fourth floors
  • Health Sciences Center
    • Basement and first floor
  • Lakeside Hall
    • Third floor
  • Marsh Memorial
    • Garden Level
  • Massasoit Hall
    • Basement, first, second, and third floors
  • Reed Hall
    • First floor
  • Judd Gymnasia的Stitzer欢迎中心(招生)
    • First floor

Non-ADA Accessible

  • Abbey-Appleton Hall
    • Basement
  • Administration Building
    • Basement
  • Child Development Center
    • First floor
  • 咨询中心(位于Towne健康中心)
    • First floor
  • Facilities Management
    • First floor
  • Gulick Hall
    • 1B
  • Harold C. Smith Learning Commons
    • First, second, third, and fourth floors
  • 健康中心(位于Towne健康中心)
    • First floor
  • Health Sciences Center
    • First floor
  • Hickory Hall
    • Second floor
  • P.E. Complex
    • Second floor
  • Schoo Bemis Science Center
    • Basement and first floor
  • Weiser Hall
    • Basement
    • First floor
    • Third floor